Cloudflare VS Akamai

October 18, 2022


Are you finding yourself stuck in a dilemma between choosing Cloudflare vs Akamai? Do you wonder which one of them is the better option? Don't worry; we've got you covered!

In this blog, we compare both server providers' services, speed and efficiency, network size, potential limitations, and cost. So, let's dive in and get Flare-Sighted!


Both Cloudflare and Akamai provide similar services, such as content delivery networks (CDN), web application firewalls (WAF), and Domain Name System (DNS) services. However, Akamai offers an extensive range of services beyond these, such as Bot Manager, E-commerce solutions, and image optimization solutions.

Speed and Efficiency

When it comes to speed, both providers have their methods of boosting their performance. Akamai's edge lies in its ability to accelerate users' loading speeds, thanks to its network spread to over 130 countries. Nevertheless, Cloudflare's server location choices are strategic, with a better response time and a speed advantage in Asia, Australia and Europe. It is worth mentioning that Cloudflare also provides more data centers, which translates to faster and more reliable access to your website.

Network Size

For years, Akamai has dominated the CDN sector with its vast network that spans about 300,000 servers that can handle massive traffic. Cloudflare's network is not as large, but it owns about 200 data centers with a strategic placement that provides a speed and response time advantage.

Potential Limitations

Cloudflare has a relatively higher learning curve, mainly due to its API documentation and its complex user interface. On the other hand, Akamai's interface is more intuitive, and learning curve is a smoother experience. It is worth mentioning that some of Akamai's server services have been criticized for their complexity, which makes them less beginner-friendly.


Cloudflare's pricing structure is transparent, with its free and paid plans, excluding overage charges. Cloudflare's plans are cost-effective, with a minimum pricing at $20/mo. Its highest plan is $200/mo, which is a vast difference from Akamai's pricing plans. Akamai's pricing plans are not disclosed, which may pose a problem for some businesses. However, it's important to note that their prices are based on business requirements, and the scale of the project.


Both Cloudflare and Akamai have their advantages and disadvantages, making them suitable for different projects and business sizes. In summary, Cloudflare is well-suited for small businesses, startups, and low-end projects that don't require high tier servers. While Akamai is suitable for large enterprises, big data projects, performance-critical environments, and established ecommerce stores.

So, did we help you make a decision, or are you more confused than ever? Well, whatever your answer may be, you now have the facts to make an informed decision.


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